We have a 30-days return policy.
Please contact our Customer Service Team at to initiate a return request. Please provide as much information as possible including the Order #, Full Name, Address, Phone Number, the reason for the return. Please note that we may request for you to email photos and/or a video of damaged or defective merchandise prior to sending the items back. We may also provide you with troubleshooting steps, as it is required to speed up the return process and assist you in avoiding any return processing fees.
If the return is approved, you will receive further directions on shipping the item(s) back to us. Any refund, store credit, or replacement will be issued once the return has been received and processed.
FAQs About Return & Refund
Simply contact us or complete the form below. We will begin processing the refund for the order you just placed as soon as we get your email. Within two hours, we will send you an email confirming your order refund, indicating that your order has already been refunded. Normally, different card issuers often need 1-3 business days to complete this transaction before the refund appears on your bank statement. Contact us at or fill out the form below with your order number if you still have any questions. We guarantee that cases from email contacts will receive priority treatment.
We are aware that because you have been waiting for a while, the last thing you want to get is a broken box or an inferior goods. Not to worry. For your benefit, we have a transparent refund and return policy. You will have 14 days to return your order and get your money back if there is a problem. There are no extra requirements; simply complete the return form below or submit your information to us through email. We will respond to you within 12 hours.
We are very aware of your concerns regarding refunds. The refund will be done right away when you get your refund notification. Please be patient as the bank will need some time to complete the transaction. We guarantee that we will never bill clients for orders that they haven’t even received. In a few days, the refund will appear on your bank statement. Please get in touch with us if you have any inquiries concerning the refund; we’ll be happy to follow up.
It makes sense that you might reconsider your order. We have a 30-day, no-fee exchange policy for your order. To exchange your order for another one on our website at the same price, write us an email. The item(s) you wish to exchange will be sent to your order address in a postage-paid return email as soon as your exchange request is approved. You will receive a new item from us after we receive the reply email. Please fill out the form below or email us at if you have any more queries.
We’ll try our best to get your order out the door as quickly as we can. Nevertheless, there are always a few unforeseen elements to the shipping procedure. We advise you to buy at the closest post office if necessary. If we are unable to fulfill your purchase in the period you anticipate for orders placed on our website, we will offer a refund right away. We will be reached at, or you can use the form below to send us an email. We will assist you with any additional problems.